Lulu Account


Lulu meaning Pearl or Precious. Lulu account is specifically designed for that woman who knows what she wants, she sees the future and plans for it. It is designed with the best savings solution and privileges for that goal orientated or progressive woman.


Account Specifications (REWARDS)


  • Save TZs 100,000 per month for 12 months and get access to business/agro loans.
  • Save more than TZs 2 million and and get free business coaching with rewards.
  • Save upto TZs 5 million and unlock an even greater reward.


Fees and Charges


  • No monthly ledger fees for both local and foreign currency accounts
  • Withdrawal charges of TZS 15,000 (before savings plan completes – with each withdrawal for local currency account)
  • Withdrawal charges of USD 8/EURO 8 (before savings plan completes – with each withdrawal for both foreign currency accounts)


Interest Earned


  • Earn an interest rate of upto 6% (for TZS account)
  • Earn an interest rate of upto 1% (for USD and EURO accounts)


Minimum Balance


  • Minimum balance TZS50,000 (for local currency account)
  • Minimum balance USD 50/EURO 50 (for foreign currency accounts)