AccessBank Conducts A Business Forum For Women In Mwanza

One of AccessBank Tanzania’s big deposit client Mama Ester sharing business advice with fellow women at the Women’s Forum.

AccessBank Tanzania conducted a business forum for its women SME, Micro, Agro and Deposit clients and non-clients over the past weekend. The forum took place within the city of Mwanza on Saturday the 04th of May at Belmont Fairmount Hotel, with the theme and objective of the forum being; “Women in Business and their Savings Culture”.

AccessBank Tanzania conducted a business forum for its women SME, Micro, Agro and Deposit clients and non-clients over the past weekend. The forum took place within the city of Mwanza on Saturday the 04th of May at Belmont Fairmount Hotel, with the theme and objective of the forum being; “Women in Business and their Savings Culture”.

The Guest of Honour at the event, the District Commissioner of Nyamagana – Dr. Philis Nyimbi was excited to be a part AccessBank’s movement to promote women in business but furthermore, complimented AccessBank on supporting the government of Tanzania and His Excellency the President of Tanzania, Dr. John Pombe Magufuli’s drive on empowering women in Tanzania.

Speaking at the forum, the Chief Executive Officer – Mr. Armando Sirolla noted that, “We want to connect, be closer and promote women in business, since we want to see them succeed. Bottom line: women clients are more risk adverse, reliable, trust worthy and overall a very good market segment to tap in.  Today, we hope that you walk away with a new mind-set of what and how we can do more business together. This is why we have brought with us Mrs. Jennifer Bash; she is the Co-founder and CEO of Alaska Tanzania Industries Ltd, she is a popular businesswoman and excellent business coach with lots of experience running her own manufacturing and agro business. This year, we are planning on conducting more business forum’s such as this one, this year. Therefore, Mbeya clients get ready for the next business forum, which will be in June”.

The forum was organized in partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Mrs. Jennifer Bash was invited to be the mainbusiness trainer for the forum. During her session she confirmed that “AccessBank is on a drive to help women in business via loans for women or saving aggressively to achieve your personal goals, these trainings provide a platform to promote good leadership within your business as well as your personal lives. We thank AccessBank for creating such opportunities.” Closing off the women’s business forum invited clients shared their appreciation and gratitude by thanking AccessBank for this opportunity and also praised AccessBank’s efforts for bringing them together and training them on how to run a business effectively while saving for their future.